Kaduna State in one out of the thirty-six States of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is the home-state of Maryamu and Yakubu Skill Development and Educational Foundation.
- Located the Northwest geo political zone of Nigeria
- Capital city-Kaduna
- Kaduna city, Zaria and Kafanchan makes up the main urban areas of the state.
- Total land area 1,190 sq mi (3,080km2)
- Coordinates – 10031’7026’25’ ‘E.
- Over 60 ethnic groups namely, the Atyap, Atuku, Bajju, Fulani, Gbagyi, Gure, Gwong, Hausa and Ninkyop etc.
- Pottery is highly prized from Kaduna, especially from the Nok culture.
- It is endowed with mineral resources such as clay, serpentine, asbestos amethyst it has been blessed with fertile land and a variety of crops.
- Population 6,113,503 people (National Population Commission, 2006 census)
Source: National Bureau of Statistics